Without training and guidance by an able tutor or coach, no body could reach their full potential of their mind and body power.The experience so gained out of such coaching or guidance is the value addition to one's life.
Vedas venerate the Tutor( guru) and Disciple(shisya) tradition as the backbone of
spiritual pursuit. The disciple is expected to serve his preceptor. He learns
the scriptures in the time left over from service to his teacher and family.This method allows the student to pass through different stages
of perception and experiences to reach the highest level of knowledge.
Service to the Guru is held in high regard as it is believed that
this discipline removes the sin or ignorance that prevents and obscures the
self-effulgent knowledge. It is said that Adi Sanakra, beloved to be an enlightened
incarnation of God Shiva, himself sought the Divine feet (Bhagvad pada) as his preceptor
to reinforce this guru-shisya tradition.
The ultimate truth has to be experienced and realized in the
inner depths of our Self. For getting this ultimate knowledge or jnana , we
have to practice meditation and service.
The water in a well is not created when the well is dug. It
is already there .But to access the water; we make sincere efforts and have
patience towards clearing the layers of soil, mud, rocks, etc...That have
covered it.Similarly, enlightenment is innate and hidden in the Self: but
in the case of an individual soul (jivAtman), it is enveloped by layers of undesirable matters such
as individual's wages of last birth(vasanas),actions in the present birth (karma),etc., that have to be removed. For this knowledge
to become self-effulgent, one needs the grace and guidance of a preceptor who
is himself a self realized soul, divine grace and self-effort.
The cosmic grandeur of God includes His uniqueness,
transcendence and absolute nature. But in spite of all this, he reveals Himself
both in His personal and impersonal aspects in the heart of one who meditates
on Him in true spirit and belief.
You can read more about Karma at Bhagvad Gita
Words within brackets are Sanskrit words
Source-The Hindu
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