
Resilience is a law of nature as it is evidenced in the physical world, the plant and animal worlds and the human world. The capacity to regain the original form or nature is known as Resilience. Your broken bone grows back and heals to become a normal one. Fresh growth can be seen immediately after pruning or cutting a plant or tree. Similarly, the lizard regains its lost tail.

Mankind has a major share in this gift or law of nature. The human brain is resilient that given a chance , it will repair itself to get back the earlier state.

Everyday we suffer some kind of damage both mentally and materially which is a part of the life or nature itself. But the same nature has provided the solution also in the form of resilience.

The only thing required is our patience to get back the normal health of mind and body. This patience is achieved by keeping yourself in empty mind without any distraction or thoughts and also by  giving rest to your body .

For this meditation helps the mind to relax .Good sleep enables the body to be recharged.

A simple demonstration of resilience is your remaining silent when you go angry. Remain silent, make your mind empty and the mind will pacify everything within a minute. Very soon you will feel normal.

On the contrary, if you get provoked and react neagtively, your anger will very soon turn into malice and even violence.

(Based on the article "We have the ability to bounce back" in The Hindu News paper)

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