
We are so attached to our own thoughts and desires that we easily say"my mind".
But consciousness could be a field like electromagnetism extending throughout the universe.
Electric signals permeate the brain, but we don't say"my electricity" and it is dubious that we should say "my mind".

.....The brains of Buddha, Jesus and rishis reached a level that has inspired us for centuries but as a biological  

creation.There brains were no different from that of any  healthy adult today.The Buddha's brain followed where his mind led, which is why all the great spiritual leaders declared that anyone could make the same journey that they did. It's only a matter of setting your foot on the path and paying attention to the subtle signals picked by your brain.

........The brain mirrors the reality that each person is making at this very moment.Your Mind is the rider and brain is the horse.

Any one who has ridden horses knows that they can balk,fight the bridle, become frightened, stop to munch grass by the wayside, or bolt for home.The rider hangs on , yet most of the time he is in command.

We all relate to our brains by hanging on during the episodes when hardwired imprints,impulses drive,and habits are in control.No horse has ever bolted as wildly as a brain gone awry...

Most of the time, however, the mind is in the saddle. Conscious control is ours and always has been....

Excerpts From the epilogue to the bestseller, "Super Brain" by Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E Tanzi, professor of neurology, Harvard Medical School.(Rider,Random House).

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