Personality Disorders

Personality or character disorders are among some of the common types of mental illnesses. Those affected with such disorders have abnormal personality and behavioral patterns that clash with the social norms and expectations. They find it difficult to deal with people and to form healthy relationships. Such people are rigid in their thinking pattern and behavior, thereby leading to problems whenever they interact with people. 

Three categories are listed under these illnesses.
  1. Odd and unusual behavior - includes paranoid personality (a person who feels that everyone and everything is against them when in reality this is not true) and schizoid personality (apathetic to others and no desire to socialize). Another type is schizotypal personality disorder, which makes people extremely anxious in social situations. They may find it difficult to form relationships.
  2. Dramatic, emotional or erratic behavior, which is seen in an antisocial personality (who has no respect for rules and regulations and often violates them, causing harm to others). This category includes borderline personality (erratic emotions and stress) too. Those with histrionic personality are attention seekers and manipulators. People with narcissistic personality are self-centered to the core.
  3. Anxiety and Phobias. This group includes: avoidant personality disorder (fear of taking risks, gullible, hypersensitive, avoids all things that include social interaction), dependent personality disorder (dependent and submissive nature, allow others to take personal decisions, uncomfortable while lonely, need constant assurance) and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (repetitive, compelling thoughts and obsessions concerning things that are not real - for instance, cleaning things that are already clean).

(This  is for information only. Take the advice of your physician for treatment.)

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